বার্ষিক ক্রীড়া প্রতিযোগিতা ২০২৩
প্রাত্যহিক সমাবেশ
প্রভাত ফেরি
Education is a basic human right. The role of educational institutions in implementing this right of citizens is undeniable. The visionary Mr. Alhaj M.A. Hasim unique efforts has established a Model institution "Hashimi Model High School" in Kamal Bazar Union of Sylhet district. The purpose of this institution is to provide the students with up-to-date knowledge and skills to make them efficient manpower and active citizens. Over the years, this institution has been fulfilling all the needs of the students and has been gaining reputation in the area as an ideal institution for all classes of people. This institute claims… Read More
20 Jul, 2023 |
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03 May, 2023 |
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22 Mar, 2023 |